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Jade and Turquoise in Two Ancient Cultures

Jewelry, Healing and Wellness Wisdom  Using minerals and gemstones for healing and wellness is an ancient ascribed practice. Awaken the Peace high vibrational jewelry organically allows positive energy to flow through your vibratory field resulting in joy and inner peace. Here we focus on two powerful gemstones that were of great importance to ancient cultures,[…]Read More

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Lithotherapy – An Introduction


What is Lithotherapy?Lithotherapy is an alternative system of medicine that uses the energy and colors of stones to harmonize the body. The name lithotherapy comes from the Greek words lithos (“stone”) and therapeia (“care”). Its literal meaning: “the method to care by the use of stones”.Stones and minerals have vibrations and qualities that can help remove physical[…]Read More

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How Crystals Can Help Lower the Risks from EMFs

risks from EMFs

Electromagnetic Radiation: What are EMFs and What are the Risks from EMFs?EMFs are electromagnetic fields i.e. invisible lines of force that emanate from electrical or wireless devices. There are two kinds of EMFs: low frequency and high frequency. Electricity and appliances emit low frequency EMFs. Wireless devices emit High Frequency EMFs (also known as “RFs”[…]Read More